Facilities Photos

Reception area

Reception area

Greg or David

Greg or David

Santa Fe Garage Entrance

Santa Fe Garage Entrance

Revolution tire machine

Revolution tire machine

Hunter Tire Machine

Hunter TC3700 Tire Machine

Hunter RoadForce Balancer

Hunter RoadForce Balancer

RoadForce Balancer

RoadForce Balancer with VW wide 5 adaptor

Hunter Alignmen Equipmentt

Hunter Alignment Equipment

Alignment Rack

Alignment Rack

Setup table

Welding setup table









Making rotors perpendicular with ProCut

50 ton press

50 ton press

September 15, 2015 at 0311PM

CNC 3 axis bed mill

CNC Bed Mill

Making the hub center the size needed

Forged Anvil

Forged Anvil, takes more skill then the CNC

CNC lathe

CNC lathe

Greg, our most valuable asset

Greg, our most valuable asset

TIG welder

TIG welder

September 15, 2015 at 0331PM

MIG welder

Plasma cutters

Plasma generators for intergalactic travel

Pan and Box Break 12g

Pan and Box Break 12g

Raw material inventory

Raw material inventory

Hack and Cold saws

Hack and Cold saws in the dirty room

Belt sander

Belt sander – on my cool tool list

Buffer Polisher
